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Wednesday, 30 July 2008


Albany Jane

That's it. I'm trying this again, with this awesome no-fuss method.

They look awesome, and that plating? Gorgeous!

Boots in the Oven

Definitely give it a try! The Mr. seemed surprised by how easy the method really was. Thanks!


That looks amazing!!! I am now inspired!

Boots in the Oven

Glad to inspire, Evan! Good luck!


Hello from a reader in Bellingham, WA.

That looks really good. Up here we have a local place that sells big hunks of pretty fresh and great-tasting smoked salmon. It is definitely smoked, but it looks a lot like your picture there, and tastes both sweet and salty, so now I wonder if it's cured in addition to smoked.

How do you do the slicing to get the super thin lox slices? Salmon's so flaky.


You *so* rock. That salmon looks fantastic and just the sound of the curing flavours had me drooling.

Boots in the Oven

Matthew, thanks! Very likely the salmon at your place is cured in addition to smoked... that's how bacon is often done, as well. And when it's cured this way it isn't particularly flaky, and is thus easy to cut.

Jeanne, it was great! Unfortunately, it's since gone, but Husbear's got three other meats curing in the fridge right now. I think he might be an addict...


That's it? Amazing! Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to whip up my own lox. My sodium intake is SO going to increase.

Boots in the Oven

Heck yes, that's it! Michael Ruhlman's Charcuterie book is really inspiring, if you're into curing...

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