Sigh. Yeah, the blog has been just about defunct lately. It just hasn't felt like home to me, anymore, and I can't help but feel that the person I am now is very different than the person who started Boots in the Oven back in 2005. I'm not sure what direction to go in, but I know I want to keep blogging. Perhaps a shift to a lighter (and less weighted down with history) wordpress site? I know Tumblr isn't enough for me, though the blog we keep there is a nice diversion.
What to do? Perhaps just a little more navel-gazing for a bit, until I land on What's Next.
Well, for now, here is Us Lately (and I hope Crystal doesn't mind me taking inspiration from her posting style!):
The Book of Mormon at the Bass Concert Hall was all we'd hoped for and more. I'd love to see more musicals. Especially hilariously irreverent ones that cause the gentleman next to you to have a brief apoplectic fit.
We went to a wedding in Washington, DC last weekend, and got to catch up with my dad's side of the family. There's a new baby! Logan had to jet in and jet out for work, but I was lucky enough to stay with my aunt Ellen for a few days, with visits to the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia and a meetup with a high school friend I hadn't seen in eons. It's a wonderful, warm feeling to sit down with someone you haven't seen in 15 years and reconnect like no time has passed.

Logan's folks came into town at the end of September and we all went to New Braunfels, where we enjoyed the rain and the German food.
I've been working on a campaign of healthfulness, by which I mean I'm trying to move around more. My fitbit pedometer is incredibly helpful with this goal (if you have one and want to add me, here's my profile) and I'm really enjoying my barre-style classes at Dancer's Shape. Except for today, because I've come down with a fall achy/sniffles/cold thing that yuck.
And, well, except that on my way home from DC last week I had a layover at Chicago Midway, where I found me a Chicago Dog, thank you.
Please rest assured that, if I do move to a new blogging home, I will definitely direct people to it. And Boots in the Oven won't go anywhere anytime soon. It's still our little corner of the Internet, a faithful little place that was my refuge for years. It'll be here.
what night did you guys go to see Book? We were there on Friday Oct. 11. It was such a trip to see it in Texas!
Posted by: | Monday, 21 October 2013 at 15:36
We were there on Thursday the 10th! Is was really wonderful, wasn't it?
Posted by: Boots in the Oven | Monday, 21 October 2013 at 15:42
I feel your pain. My blog(s) have been much neglected as well. If you need help plotting a move to WordPress, I did the Blogger to WordPress jump a few years ago and will be happy to share lessons learned/steps. Over drinks that is :>
Posted by: Kristi Willis | Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 07:18
Thanks, Kristi! I just registered a wordpress blog, and I started a Sett blog yesterday (though I don't think I'll be sticking with them... things are a bit clunky over there for my taste). Also, it's been way too long since we've gotten together! Let's do a happy hour sometime soon, k?
Posted by: Boots in the Oven | Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 11:27
Awww - nooo, don't go! We loooove you! But seriously, if you feel the need for a new direction or home, I'd say go for it. I have to say, moving data from Typepad to, erm, anything is a bitch... Typepad tries to hold onto your images and breaks all your image links. But I managed it with 8 years of content. I have a genius IT friend who did it for me without breaking the image links, so please drop me a line if considering this and I'll put you in touch. He's not that pricey either. Wordpress is so much lovelier than Typepad, you'll be instantly re-energised to blog (or something like that!!)
Posted by: Jeanne @ CookSister! | Tuesday, 29 October 2013 at 10:30
Thanks, Jeanne! All of our images are actually hosted on Flickr, so hopefully that wouldn't make as big a difference. Part of the problem is that I'm just not sure what I want to write about any more! Perhaps a change of scenery would help...
Posted by: Boots in the Oven | Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 21:44