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Monday, 21 October 2013



what night did you guys go to see Book? We were there on Friday Oct. 11. It was such a trip to see it in Texas!

Boots in the Oven

We were there on Thursday the 10th! Is was really wonderful, wasn't it?

Kristi Willis

I feel your pain. My blog(s) have been much neglected as well. If you need help plotting a move to WordPress, I did the Blogger to WordPress jump a few years ago and will be happy to share lessons learned/steps. Over drinks that is :>

Boots in the Oven

Thanks, Kristi! I just registered a wordpress blog, and I started a Sett blog yesterday (though I don't think I'll be sticking with them... things are a bit clunky over there for my taste). Also, it's been way too long since we've gotten together! Let's do a happy hour sometime soon, k?

Jeanne @ CookSister!

Awww - nooo, don't go! We loooove you! But seriously, if you feel the need for a new direction or home, I'd say go for it. I have to say, moving data from Typepad to, erm, anything is a bitch... Typepad tries to hold onto your images and breaks all your image links. But I managed it with 8 years of content. I have a genius IT friend who did it for me without breaking the image links, so please drop me a line if considering this and I'll put you in touch. He's not that pricey either. Wordpress is so much lovelier than Typepad, you'll be instantly re-energised to blog (or something like that!!)

Boots in the Oven

Thanks, Jeanne! All of our images are actually hosted on Flickr, so hopefully that wouldn't make as big a difference. Part of the problem is that I'm just not sure what I want to write about any more! Perhaps a change of scenery would help...

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  • Longest Bus: 24 hours, Salta, AR to Puerto Iguazu, AR
  • Hotel, Cheapest: $11.64, Lalibela Hotel, Lalibela, Ethiopia
  • Hotel, Most Expensive: $160, Endoro Lodge, Ngorongoro
  • Trains: 13
  • Number of Days: 426
  • Cities, towns, villages: 123
  • Long Distance Buses: 52
  • Flights: 43
  • Places we Slept: 128
  • Countries: 28

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